Executive Director: Reima Abouarabi
Email: info@libcusa.com Phone: 313-414-8188
The Lebanese International Business Council (LIBC) was established in 1999 under the decree No 4 dated 4/12/1999 issued by the Ministry of Interior. It was created in response to an ever growing need for Lebanese Business people abroad to work together in an increasingly developing market.
As a non-profit U.S. organization, 501 (c) (3), 20-8372031, the aim of the LIBC of Michigan is to promote the economic and financial development of Lebanese in the USA, by encouraging investments in various profitable projects, as well as promoting education and higher achievement for the youth, while bringing together Lebanese and Arab business communities around the USA who wish to be part of this unique council. The organization is comprised of Lebanese nationals and expatriates.
An internship with the LIBC offers the perfect opportunity for individuals to learn firsthand the principles of management, business, event planning and community outreach. An internship with the LIBC presents a unique hands-on experience in the daily operation of both a national and international level of how to professionally run a business organization.
Students will learn how non-profits are run from the back office operations to Board Member roles and responsibilities. Involvement with the organization will create an ideal means of networking with senior business leaders, possible pilot for future employment and obtainment of valuable resources for future development both personally and professionally. Our interns also have the option to attend various events and functions in the community with fellow LIBC members.
Although LIBC internships are currently unpaid, they are prosperous in experience, knowledge and opportunities.
Tasks for an LIBC intern include but are not limited to the following
* Library research, benchmarking, literature reviews
* Data entry
* Data analysis
* Proposal preparation
* Direct client contact (in person, phone, email)
* Report writing
* Developing training courses
* Developing presentations
* Making presentations
* Project management
* Website maintenance
Please feel free to volunteer upon receiving this letter via email or by phone. Start date: Immediately.
The hours are flexible; the LIBC is willing to work around a students schedule to determine a work calendar. As for attending special events, that will be an option and not mandatory for our interns.