Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Development and Event Planning Intern

Development and Event Planning Intern
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Employment Start Date: 9/15/2011

Job Description:
Intern will assist with the planning and logistics of Annual Banquet on Saturday October 22, 2011. General attendance has averaged at 600 guests. Interns will help with pursuing sponsorship leads, outreach to local media and list servs, manage volunteers, and administrative tasks.

Intern will help with post event follow up; thank you, invoices, and we missed you letters.

Intern will assist the Associate Development Officer in relationship building efforts including in setting up meetings, disseminating ISPU reports, and in setting up "Donor Circle" conference call updates, etc.

Intern will attend local events (for free) to increase ISPU's visibility


Application Instructions:
If the student hasn’t created a profile they would need to do so at www.interninmichigan.com
Once they create a profile they can apply to the job internship by clicking the following link http://www.interninmichigan.com/ViewJobProfile.aspx?jID=1108.